Sunday 20 October 2019

Day one walking Takijiri to Chikatsuyu

What a day!  We are both absolutely bushed, although I suspect I am worse than Neil.   The rain stopped today and indeed there were times when we were walking in sunshine, though there were clouds in evidence for most of the day.  What exhausted us both was the VERY steep ascents, and equally steep descents.

Well, I started this post last night, but was so tired that instead I went to bed – at 7.50!!  Those who know me will be astounded – what’s more I slept till 6.15, an early start because our host had told us to be at breakfast, at a shop down the road, at 7.00. 

Our tea was delivered in a bento box

Now let me return to yesterday.  The torrential rain from the day before had drained away and the weather, though cooler, was VERY humid.  We started the steep ascent within about 100 metres of the day beginning, and kept ascending, and then more ascending.  Within about 15 minutes I was soaking wet, and continued that way for the rest of the day.  It was a real shock to begin with such a hard day on the first day, which is probably why we felt it so much.  Normally on most walks I have done I have had a few days, even weeks, where I can slowly walk myself into it, but not on this one.

The start....

...... up steep stone steps

Having said that though the scenery was very beautiful and when stopping there were plenty of views to admire!  We had to be especially careful where we put our feet, especially on the descents towards the end of the day as that is when accidents are most likely to happen and the path was strewn with slippery rocks and tree roots just waiting to trip the unsuspecting individual up!  I sent Neil ahead as he was very good waiting patiently for me, but I thought that might make me hurry and as I am a star with tripping, slipping, and falling I thought I would be safer on my own.  Mind you after we caught up near the bottom of the hill he managed to do exactly that – slip – and bent his walking pole.

up, up, up

slipping and tripping hazards!

There were many people on the path yesterday.  Several large groups of Japanese passed us going in the opposite direction and we walked the same way as another.  These groups had as many as 20 people in them, some with day packs, some with bear bells tinkling, and all talking excitedly.  There are other nationalities on the path too – I saw a Canadian, Taiwanese, English, 4 women from Melbourne and no doubt other nationalities too.

Many people on the path

The path sometimes has steep steps, sometimes of rock at others, wood,  all the while passing through beautiful cedar forests.  Sometimes the path is very narrow, with steep descents falling away on either side.  There were times when we got spectacular mountain views when we stopped in the small villages we passed through, at other times it was only glimpses through the trees. 

Spectacular mountain views, and two Japanese ladies we kept passing.

We had a whole house to ourselves for our night’s rest, which meant we were able to spread out more than usual, plus we were able to make use of the washing machine  a real bonus!  We had just enough energy to walk down the street to get a cold drink from the vending machine – another first for us. 

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