Tuesday 8 October 2019

Arriving in Japan, and getting to Kii Tanabe

The journey has begun.  We had a good flight over arriving early into Osaka and therefore able to catch the more direct train to Kii Tanabe, having to make only one change.  We have very quickly discovered that this is a country of order.  We were instructed to make our lines straight while waiting to go through immigration (it wasn't!!)  then while changing trains we had to go up a staircase and down the other side to the other platform.  We asked the man on the platform if we were in the right place and were instructed by him to follow him, showing us exactly where we should wait.  I have started making a perfunctory bow of greeting and thanks, but not sure how much to do and don't want to go over the top -  I just want to be polite.  

The first photo in Japan - on our way to our accommodation.

We are staying in a nice little apartment and Robert the owner came to collect the money soon after we arrived, bowing at regular intervals while he was sharing information about the town with us.  We actually need a license to know what buttons to push on the toilet - there are lights flashing everywhere.  Haven't looked at the shower yet, but I think that is OK.  We had to make our own beds, and it has taken us a while to figure out which sheets should go on the bottom and which on the top!  Although we have a duvet each, it is unlikely I will use mine tonight as it is quite warm inside, and very humid.  It started raining about 5.00 and has been steadily drizzling (heavily) ever since.  

All the information we were sent before we left warned us that we should be at our accommodation in the mountains each evening by around 4.00 as it gets dark in the mountains early.  If tonight was anything to go by I can understand that, as it was already starting to get quite gloomy by 4.30 here by the sea.  

We took ourselves off to dinner following our hosts recommendation, and tried to figure out what to order.  The menu was in English, but we had no idea of what quantities we would get and so I had potato croquettes (a favourite with the ladies it said on the menu!) and shrimp balls.  This is all a steep learning curve for both of us, but fun.  

The cook 

Fortunately we had stools to sit on - those sitting behind these doors were sitting on the floor.  That would have been too hard for us after our tiring travelling day!

We have found the tourist office.  We collected the maps we will need, the credencial, and our bear bell!  Apparently it is a busy season for pilgrims now.  We also checked up as to whether there had been any damage to the track since the typhoon, but apparently it is all OK.  

Our credencial, maps, and my bear bell!

Tomorrow we catch a bus up into the mountains and start walking the next day.  The forecast is for a sunny day.  

We are both looking forward to a good nights sleep as we are very tired.    

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